joi, 24 ianuarie 2008

I hate some photographers

I hate some photographers... I just hate them...
They take some shots, say it's great, but when you start working you discover the resolution is not enough and so the argue begins...
For instance, they took the shoot too wide, the area that interests you is somewhere in the picture and when you crop it to the desired area, you discover the resolution is not enough. You get angry, ask the photographer about it and he/she says: “Use interpolation!” Geez... You interpolate, resample, but hey... that’s not enough too...

I miss the radio...

It was the beginning of September when I got a call from a friend, asking me if I want to spend my winter vacation at his place. Besides going there and enjoy a truly different atmosphere, he also said he would like to have me in his radio show. That’s because the show he was putting on air was on a concept we did together some years ago... At first I yelled, since I haven’t done that in the last years. After a few moments of giving it some thought, I started saying it wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
Got there, found my favorite radio mixer in the world, a Mackie, found the liberty of playing whatever I want without concerning about the money spent on royalties.
Still, something wasn’t feeling right... After a few sound checks, I wasn’t able to recognize my own voice. I was aware that after so many years my voice is different, but it didn’t sound like I was expecting. It was a Shure SM7B microphone and I was used to the standard SM58. There was two solutions: trying to accommodate my voice and put some inflexion into it in a way that would sound like it should or getting instantly a SM58, which I did. Ha-ha. SM58 being in place, everything sounded like it should.
I shouldn’t have done on air time. Doing it for some days made me realize but once you get to do it you always want to do it. Now I miss all that stuff, being on air and everything, the fever you’re experiencing when talking, playing music, having listeners on air and so on.
I mostly feel that what’s missing is the morning air show. God, I want it back...

Sometimes, reality is different...

I got a call an year ago. The caller? Someone from the industry.
Motive? Pure and simple, the man needed somebody for a dtp job.
Where? Even more simple, it was someone I met a year before. When I wasn't looking for a change of job.
I said first "Let's hear it!"
Afterwards I regretted it... Not only I wasn't truly interested, but I also was extremely annoyed about the way he presented things.
There's no such thing as "a perfect world". Instead, we have a diminished impression of what a job is, a vague impression we offer the best, an even more indistinguishable way of rewarding and keeping the things straight.
Question: Why do you call up a men for a job if you know you can't offer him more than he has?
Answer: Because you think you're convincing and your strategy is based only on feelings.

Bottom line: A business is on the point of collapsing if you ever think that feelings would make a man quit a job and come work for you without offering him better conditions.

After a year, present days I mean, I got a mail from the same man. I was just interested in hearing what he want's to say. I thought characters never change. I was right.