vineri, 25 ianuarie 2008

How a radio should sound these days?

I got really bored when listening the romanian radio stations in the past months... Except one voice that I would listen to, no matter what radio will host and whatever the show... Which is, of course, that of Denis Ciulinaru, currently hosting the morning show on National FM. Even if the station is somehow one from the crowd, even if the shows sounds common and are...
Besides that, I somehow started listening the stations from US and I have one station that is worth listening to no matter the difference of time zone and the difference of culture. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is B96 – CBS radio station from Chicago. Whenever I hear “B96- WBBMFM radio” I am just happy... It is true that somehow I am bonded to this radio station in particular from a visit payed to the US, but no matter the spiritual bonding, these guys are something.
Just listen to them on .It’s worth it!

Un comentariu:

Anonim spunea...

Try this one In my opinion is the best radio around here;)